Jan Bonde Nielsen On Startups

If you’re considering a path to entrepreneurship, there are several factors to consider. Many startups fail because entrepreneurs fail to address several key areas in meeting their customers’ needs. Giving customers what they need in ways that will leave them feeling satisfied is essential to your startup’s growth and success. Here are a few ofContinue reading “Jan Bonde Nielsen On Startups”

Jan Bonde Nielsen on Sustainable Agriculture: An Opportunity for ESG Investors

ESG investing, which focuses on environmental, social, and corporate governance, is the new trend in finance. Sustainable agriculture is a subset of that sector that is starting to heat up. Here are some ideas to watch out for. Agriculture is ripe for revolution. It’s known for its large use of fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modifiedContinue reading “Jan Bonde Nielsen on Sustainable Agriculture: An Opportunity for ESG Investors”

Jan Bonde Nielsen on Regrowing a Tropical Forest

While logic would dictate that the best way to regrow a tropical forest is to plant more trees, many ecologists disagree with the idea. Their argument is that this is not an efficient use of time, money, or resources that could be used in a more productive manner. In fact, it has been proven that planting treesContinue reading “Jan Bonde Nielsen on Regrowing a Tropical Forest”

Jan Bonde Nielsen on How Green are Green Products?

The state of the world has been compromised by global warming, and, as a response, corporations have decided to step up with “green” products to ease our guilt a bit. But, are they actually as green as they claim to be? A recent study examined nearly 1800 green promises claimed on a little over 1000Continue reading “Jan Bonde Nielsen on How Green are Green Products?”

Jan Bonde Nielsen on Climate Change and the Earth’s Tilt

We all know that the Earth spins on its axis. But a more accurate way to describe it is that our planet spins like a top. When you watch a spinning top, you will notice that it wobbles slightly. As the spin slows down it wobbles even more. Also, if you do something to disturbContinue reading “Jan Bonde Nielsen on Climate Change and the Earth’s Tilt”

Jan Bonde Nielsen on Achieving Carbon Free Future Not an Option — It’s a Must

Just about everyone in a position of power or responsibility agrees that we have come to a point in history where achieving a carbon-free future is a must. The earth is currently experiencing a mass extinction of species, floods, superstorms, ocean acidification, droughts, massive wildfires devastating millions of acres and an array of other frighteningContinue reading “Jan Bonde Nielsen on Achieving Carbon Free Future Not an Option — It’s a Must”

Jan Bonde Nielsen’s Work in Kenya

Oscar Feldsing | Medium Jan Bonde Nielsen is a property developer, oil tycoon, preservationist, philanthropist, and more. He has worked in a variety of industries all across the globe, and is dedicated to helping others and preserving the natural habit of Africa’s flora and fauna. One of Jan’s goals is to help provide the people ofContinue reading “Jan Bonde Nielsen’s Work in Kenya”

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